Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

My idol

Megawati Sukarnoputri

Megawati Sukarnoputri
Megawati Sukarnoputri

In office
July 23, 2001October 20, 2004
Vice President(s) Hamzah Haz
Preceded by Abdurrahman Wahid
Succeeded by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Born January 23, 1947 (1947-01-23) (age 61)
Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Political party Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle
Spouse Taufiq Kiemas
Religion Islam

Diah Permata Megawati Setiawati Soekarnoputri (born January 23, 1947), was President of Indonesia from July 2001 to October 20, 2004. She was the country's first female President, and the first Indonesian leader born after independence. On September 20 she lost her campaign for re-election in the 2004 Indonesian presidential election. She is the daughter of Indonesia's first president, Sukarno.

Sukarnoputri means "daughter of Sukarno" (Sanskrit) and it is not the family name: Javanese do not have family names. She is simply referred to as 'Megawati' (or 'Mega') which is derived from Sanskrit meghavatī = "she who has a cloud", i.e. a raincloud, as it was raining when she was born. Biju Patnaik, an eminent Indian leader named her on the request of Sukarno. [1]

In 2004, she was ranked number 8 on Forbes Magazine's list of the World's 100 Most Powerful Women.

Early life

Sukarno, Megawati's father, the first President of Indonesia. He helped the country win its independence from the Netherlands
Sukarno, Megawati's father, the first President of Indonesia. He helped the country win its independence from the Netherlands

Megawati was born in Yogyakarta on 23 January 1947 to President Sukarno, who had declared Indonesia's independence from the Netherlands in 1945 and Fatmawati, one of Sukarno's nine wives. Megawati was Sukarno's second child and first daughter. As a child, Megawati grew up in luxury in her father's Merdeka Palace. She would dance in front of her father's guests and developed a hobby for gardening [2].

Megawati went to Padjadjaran University in Bandung to study agriculture, but dropped out in 1967 to be with her father following his fall from power [3]. Megawati was 19 when her father was overthrown and succeeded by a military government led by Suharto. Sukarno's family was ignored by the new government provided they stayed out of politics.

In 1970, the year her father died, Megawati went to the University of Indonesia to study psychology but dropped out by Suharto regime intervention after two years. Even her warmest admirers would not claim that Megawati is an intellectual, and she has little knowledge of the world outside Indonesia. She is a pious Muslim but also follows traditional Javanese beliefs and has great faith in astrology.

Megawati's first husband, First Lieutenant Surindo Supjarso, was killed in a plane crash in Irian Jaya in 1970. In 1972, she married Hassan Gamal Ahmad Hasan, an Egyptian diplomat. The marriage was annulled shortly after. She married Taufiq Kiemas, her present husband, in 1973. They have three children, M. Rizki Pramata, M. Pranada Prabowo and Puan Maharani, now in their 30s.

Political career

Member of the Legislative Branch

In 1986, Suharto gave the status of Proclamation Hero to Sukarno in a ceremony attended by Megawati herself. Suharto's acknowledgment of Sukarno would fuel the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI), a government-sanctioned party, to run a campaign centred on Sukarno nostalgia in the lead up to the 1987 Legislative Elections. Up to that time, Megawati had seen herself as a housewife, but in 1987 she would join PDI and run for a People's Representative Council (DPR) membership [4]. PDI was only too keen to accept Megawati and boost their own image. Megawati quickly became popular, her status as Sukarno's daughter overruling her obvious lack of oratory skills. Although PDI would come last in the 1987 Legislative Elections, Megawati would still be elected to the DPR. In addition, she also became a member of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

Chairperson of PDI

Megawati was not re-elected to the DPR or the MPR but would continue as a PDI member. In December 1993, PDI held a National Congress and as was always the case when New Order opposition parties hold their congresses, the Government would actively interfere in the Congress to ensure that the opposition parties would be tame towards them. As the Congress approached, three contenders for the Chairpersonship of PDI became evident. The first candidate was incumbent Suryadi who had started to become overly critical of the Government, the second candidate was Budi Harjono a Government-friendly figure who the Government want to win the Chairpersonship, and finally, there was Megawati. Megawati's candidacy received such an overwhelming support that her victory at the Congress would only be a formality [5].

Sensing this, the Government began to maneuver to ensure that Megawati was not elected. When the Congress assembled, the Government began to stall and all attempts to hold the Chairperson election was delayed [6]. A situation then developed whereby if PDI did not elect a Chairperson by the end of the Congress, the Congress would not be allowed to continue because their permit to assemble would run out. As the hours ticked down to the end of the Congress, troops began gathering at the site of the Congress. Finally with two hours before the permit to assemble ran out, Megawati called a press conference. Megawati stated at the press conference, that because she enjoyed the support of a majority of PDI members, she was now the de facto Chairperson of PDI [7]. Despite her relative lack of political experience, she was popular in part for her status as the daughter of Sukarno, but also because she was seen as free of corruption and having admirable personal qualities. Under her leadership, PDI gained a large following among the urban poor and both urban and rural middle classes.

On the other hand the Government was outraged that they failed in their attempt to prevent Megawati from winning the Chairpersonship of PDI. They never acknowledged Megawati although Megawati's self-appointment to the Chairpersonship had been ratified in 1994 by PDI. Finally in 1996, the Government managed to convene a Special National Congress in Medan. This Congress, attended by anti-Megawati figures re-elected Suryadi to the Chairpersonship of PDI. Megawati and her camp refused to acknowledge the results of the Government-backed congress and a stituation of dualism developed whereby PDI was divided into a pro-Megawati and anti-Megawati camp.

Suryadi began threatening to take back PDI's Headquarters in Jakarta. This threat came true during the morning of 27th July 1996 [8]. That morning, Suryadi's supporters (reportedly with the Government's backing) attacked the PDI Headquarters and faced resistance from Megawati supporters who had been stationed there ever since the National Congress in Medan. In the ensuing fight, Megawati's supporters managed to hold on to the headquarters. A riot then ensued, followed by a crackdown by the Government. The Government would later blame the riots on the People's Democracy Party (PRD), they would recognize Suryadi's PDI as the official PDI and would also ban Megawati from competing in the 1997 Legislative Election.

Despite what seemed to be a political defeat, Megawati scored a moral victory and her popularity grew. When the time came for the 1997 Legislative Elections, Megawati and her supporters threw their support behind the United Development Party (PPP), the other political party that the Government had allowed to exist.


In 1997, Indonesia faced the Asian Financial Crisis and suffered an economic crisis. This combined with increasing public anger at pervasive corruption, culminated in May 1998 with Suharto's resignation from the Presidency and the assumption of that office by BJ Habibie. With disappearance of the restrictions that had been placed on her, Megawati began to consolidate her political position. In October 1998, her supporters held a National Congress whereby Megawati's PDI would now be known as the Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDI-P) to differentiate itself from PDI. Megawati was elected as Chairperson and was nominated to be the Party's Presidential candidate [9].

Megawati's PDI-P, together with Abdurrahman Wahid's National Awakening Party (PKB) and Amien Rais' National Mandate Party (PAN), became the leading forces of the Reform movement. Despite their popularity, Megawati, Wahid, and Rais adopted a moderate stance; preferring to wait until the 1999 Legislative Elections to begin taking power [10]. In November 1998, Megawati, together with Wahid, Rais, and Hamengkubuwono X reiterated their commitment to Reform through the Ciganjur Statement.

As the 1999 Legislative Elections approached, there was hope that Megawati, Wahid, and Amien would form a political coalition against President Habibie and Golkar. In May 1999, this hope came close to being a reality when Alwi Shihab held a press conference at his house during which Megawati, Wahid, and Amien would announce that they would work together. At the last minute, Megawati chose not to attend because she decided that she could not trust Amien [11]. In June 1999, the 1999 Legislative Elections were held. PDI-P was undoubtedly the most popular political party and it came first with 33% of the votes.

With PDI-P's Legislative Election victory, the prospects of Megawati becoming President became more real. This prospect was detested by the United Development Party (PPP) who did not want Indonesia to have a female President [12]. In preparation for the 1999 MPR General Session, PDI-P developed a loose coalition with PKB. As the MPR General Session approached, it seemed as if the Presidential Election was going to be contested by Megawati and Habibie but by late June, Amien had managed to draw the Islamic Parties together in a coalition called the Central Axis [13]. The Presidential Election also became a three way race when Amien began throwing the idea of nominating Wahid for President; but Wahid did not provide a clear response to this.

1999 MPR General Session

Megawati's PDI-P and PKB coalition faced its first test when the MPR assembled to choose its Chairman. Megawati threw her support behind Matori Abdul Djalil, the Chairman of PKB. Matori was overwhelmingly defeated by Amien, who in addition to enjoying Central Axis' support was also backed by Golkar in his candidacy for the MPR Chairmanship [14]. The Golkar and Central Axis coalition then struck again when they secured Akbar Tanjung's election as Head of DPR. At this stage, people became wary that Megawati, who best represented Reform was going to be obstructed by the political process and that the status quo was going to be preserved. PDI-P supporters began to gather in Jakarta.

With the rejection of Habibie's accountability speech and Habibie's withdrawal from the Presidential race, the Presidential Election to be held on 20th October 1999 came down to Megawati and Wahid. Megawati took an early lead, but was overtaken and lost with 313 votes compared to Wahid's 373. Megawati's lost fuelled her supporters to begin rioting [15]. Riots raged in Java and Bali. In the City of Solo, PDI-P masses managed to attack Amien's house.

The next day, the MPR assembled to elect the Vice President. PDI-P had considered to nominate Megawati as Vice President, but was concerned that the Central Axis and Golkar coalition would once again thwart her in that political venture. Finally, PKB took the initiative and nominated Megawati as a Vice Presidential candidate. She faced stiff competition in the form of Hamzah Haz, Akbar Tanjung, and General Wiranto participating in the race as well[16]. Well aware of the riots that had happened after Megawati's Presidential Election defeat, Akbar and Wiranto withdrew from the Vice Presidential race. Hamzah on the other hand insisted to compete against Megawati. Finally, Megawati defeated Hamzah with 396 votes to 284 to become Vice President. In her inauguration speech, she called for her supporters to calm down.

Vice Presidency

Work as Vice President

As Vice President, Megawati had considerable authority by virtue of her commanding a lot of the seats in the DPR. Wahid delegated to her the tasking of solving the problems in Ambon, although she was not successful [17]. By the time the MPR Annual Session assembled in August 2000, many considered Wahid to be ineffective as President or at the very least as an administrator. Wahid responded to this by issuing a Presidential Decree, giving Megawati day-to-day control of running the Government [18].

2000 PDI-P National Congress

The First PDI-P Congress was held in Semarang, Central Java in April 2000, during which Megawati was re-elected as the Chairperson of PDI-P for a 2nd term.

The Congress was noted as one where Megawati consolidated her position within PDI-P by taking harsh measures to remove potential rivals [19]. During the election for the Chairperson, two other candidates emerged in the form of Eros Djarot and Dimyati Hartono. Both Eros and Dimyati ran for the Chairpersonship because they did not want Megawati to hold the PDI-P Chairpersonship while concurrently being Vice President. For Eros, when finally received his nomination from the South Jakarta branch, membership problems arose and made his nomination void. Eros was then not allowed to go and participate in the congress. Disillusioned with what he perceived to be a cult of personality developing around Megawati, Eros left PDI-P. In July 2002, he would form the Freedom Bull National Party. For Dimyati, although his candidacy was not opposed as harshly as Eros', he was removed from his position as Head of PDI-P's Central Branch. He kept his position as a People's Representative Council (DPR) member but retired in February 2002. In April 2002, Dimyati formed the Our Homeland of Indonesia Party (PITA).

Relationship with Wahid and Rise to the Presidency

Megawati had an ambivalent relationship with Wahid. During the Cabinet reshuffle of August 2000 for example, Megawati was not present for the announcement of the new Cabinet line-up [20]. At another occasion, when the political tide began to rise up against Wahid, Megawati defended her President and lashed out against critics of the Government [21]. In 2001 however, Megawati began to distance herself from Wahid as a Special Session of the MPR approached and the prospects of her becoming President began to get better. Although she refused to make any specific comments, she showed the signs of preparing herself to be President such as holding a meeting with party leaders a day before the Special Session was due to start [22].

On 23 July 2001, the MPR assembled. They unanimously removed Wahid from office before appointing Megawati President.


Under Megawati, the process of democratic reform begun under Habibie and Wahid continued, albeit slowly and erratically. Megawati appeared to see her role mainly as a symbol of national unity, and she rarely actively intervened in government business. Under her tenure, the Kabinet Gotong Royong Mutual Assistance Cabinet helped govern the country. It included Megawati's successor, the retired General Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The military, disgraced at the time of Suharto's fall, regained much of its influence. Corruption continued to be pervasive, though Megawati herself was seldom blamed for this.

Some Indonesian scholars explained Megawati's apparent passivity in office by reference to Javanese mythology. Megawati, they said, saw her father, Sukarno, as a "Good King" of Javanese legend. Suharto was the "Bad Prince" who had usurped the Good King's throne. Megawati was the Avenging Daughter who overthrew the Bad Prince and regained the Good King's throne. Once this had been achieved, they said, Megawati was content to reign as the Good Queen and leave the business of government to others[citation needed]. Some prominent anglophone critics such as Benedict Anderson jokingly referred to the president as "Miniwati."[23]

Although by 2004 Indonesia's economy had stabilized and partly recovered from the 1997 crisis, unemployment and poverty remained high, and there was considerable disappointment at Megawati's presidency. The Indonesian Constitution was amended to provide for the direct election of the President, and Megawati stood for a second term. She consistently trailed in the opinion polls, due in part to the preference for male candidates among Muslim voters, and in part due to what was widely seen as a mediocre performance in office. Despite a somewhat better than expected performance in the first round of the elections, in the second round she was defeated by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Megawati neither conceded defeat, nor congratulated her successor, nor attended his inauguration. She simply vacated the Presidential Palace and returned to private life without making any statement.

On September 11, 2007, Megawati Sukarnoputri, 60, announced her 2009 reelection bid (before all PDI-P (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle) cadres. Soetardjo Soerjoguritno confirmed her willingness to be nominated as her party's presidential candidate.[24]

source :

Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

My Achievement

Essay Competition about Environment in SMAN 24

First, I get information about essay competition in environment.net when report assignment. All of students are given the paper about that competition. Then I try to write the essay. With three or four days I finish, write the essay. But I no upload to the website yet. Until my teacher Mrs. Dedeh, give announcement about this competition to my class. Maybe, in my class is not join the competition. Then I upload the essay.

To be honest, I feel only me join the competition. I very confident when I upload, but I am not confident when I see people who join the competition. Most of them have good skill of English.

On Sunday, January 21st 2007, I online internet. I open environment.net. In top bar is any new information. Then I click the link. I am very surprised when I read

The Winner of essay competition:

The second grade :

  1. Tiffany Caesareza (XIA-4)
  2. Consistania (XIA-2)
  3. Farida Rendrayani (XIA-4)

From the competition, I get the prize flash disk 1 gigabyte. I am very happy, because I am not hope to get the winners.

Prevent Air Pollution

Hortatory Exposition

Prevent Air Pollution

Air pollution is a big problem in big cities in Indonesia like Bandung. It caused by many reason. One of them is gas of smoke. It is difficult to solve the air pollution. And what can we do?

Firstly, many people smoke in everywhere. It can disturb other people because the gas. The gas can disturb the respiration system. So, I persuade to many people “please don’t smoke” if you will still healthy.

Secondly, one impact of air pollution is decrease the oxygen. We must reforestation because it can increase count of plant. If there are more and more plant it will string more and more carbon monoxide and increase more and more oxygen.

Finally, for prevent air pollution the government must make smoking areas for smoker. Example in office or in public place must made smoking areas. It can decrease air pollution in big cities. Beside that, we must reforestation. It can increase the oxygen.

I hope Bandung can decrease the air pollution.

Get Married

Review Movie “Get Married”

Category : Movie

Genre : Comedy

Can you imagine that in one movie there are Nirina, Ringgo, Desta and Aming? I can imagine that movie is crazy. “Get Married” is new movie from Star Vision. That is an interesting and a crazy movie. Have you ever watch it? The stars in this movie are Nirina Zubir (as Mae), Richard Kevin (as Rendy), Ringgo Agus Rahman (as Benny), Desta ‘Clubeighties’ (as Guntoro), Aming (as Eman). This movie is directed by Hanung Bramantyo.

It tells about friendship, love, and difference social status. One day Mae’s parents want Mae get married but Mae want still play with her friends (Guntoro, Beny, and ). Then Mae’s parents find a man who wants married with Mae. One by one, men come to Mae’s home. If Mae does not like every people who come to her home, her friends ready to beat, so that they do not come back to Mae’s home.

“Get Married” has duration about ± 120 minutes. It can’t make us bored because most of scene has funny conversation and it can make us laugh along the movie.

How ending of Mae’s fortune? Will she get married? With whom Mae gets married? Find the answer with watch this movie. Are you interested in it? You must watch it.

Ketika Shofie Bertanya

Review Book “Ketika Shofie Bertanya”

Category : Book

Genre : Islamic book

Author : K. H. Aam Amirudin

“Ketika Shofie Bertanya” is an Islamic book but some people say this book a novel. Of course, this book ‘ditujukan’ for young people. It is written by K. H. Aam Amirudin who has Yayasan Percikan Iman. Have you ever read it? It tells about father has a daughter who growing up to mature. It only uses conversation father and his daughter. The story tells all about Islam, example tauhid, akhlak, parents, and young problem. It can add our knowledge of Islam. Are you interested in it? You must read it.

Curriculum Viteae

Sita’s fact

FuLL NaMe : CoNsiStaNia DeMaWaTi

NicK NaMe : SiTa, CoNsi$, c0Nia, c0ni

TTL : Band03nX, 30 Juni 1991

Sch0oL : TK SGPLB, SDN Cibiru IX move to SDN Andir Kidul II after graduated, continued to SMPN 2 Bandung “anu hejoo”, n0W I agRouNd at SMAN 24 and Insya Allah I hope I can pass the national examination with good score & I want to continue my study Insya Allah to informatics engineering (IT)/Technique Chemistry/Mining Engineering ITB and get a title with the youngest age (Amien...)

Height/weight : 165 cm/47 kg (the last)

HoBby : Internet, chatting, read novel, sports, make email, sing a song (only in the bathroom), listen music, “ngeceng”, watching TV and film/movie, find new friends,

SKuL mAsa d3paN : Teknik Kimia ITB, Teknik Informatika ITB, Teknik Industri ITB, Teknik Mesin ITB, Kedokteran UNPAD, Pertanian UNPAD, Farmasi ITB, Farmasi UNPAD, Sastra Jepang UI, MIPA ITB, MIPA UNPAD, Kedokteran Gigi UNPAD, Sastra Jepang UNPAD, Teknik Pangan IPB, Kimia UPI, Broadcast UNPAD,

IdeALs : ahli teknik, Insinyur pertanian, ahli kimia, astronom, pengacara, ahli IT/programmer, camera person, dokter, pengusaha, menaikkan haji ortu

fAv0r1te coL0r : Merah

faVoRiTe f00ds : fried chicken, ‘saYur aSem’, m1 goRen9

iDoLs : Megawati Soekarnoputri, Nabi Muhammad SAW

fAvoRiTe b00ks : DuniA meReka, cinTapuciNo,

fAvoRite M0vieS : ArmaGeDdon, deep impact, tWisTer, ruSh h0ur, aiR buD, mVp, sTarShip tRopeRs, bRaveHeart, h0Me aLoNe, hArRy p0TteR, gRind, US Marshal, j0mblo, b1arkan biNtaNg mEnaRi, peTualangan sHer1na, ALeXandRia, eiFfel I’m in l0ve, aPa aRtiNya cinTa,heArt, rEaLitA cInTa dAn r0cK ‘N roll, c0kLat sTrobeRi, etc. most of the genre are drama romantis, k0medi, and acti0n

fAv0r1te MuSiC : R & B, p0p aLteRnaTive, p0p soul, p0p r0cK

Motto : Do the best and be your self”

“Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin”

“Carilah hidup yang bermakna karena hidup ini hanya satu kali”

EmAiL : sita_rossi@yahoo.com (friendster & YM)

simply_sita@yahoo.com (send email)

sitazone13@gmail.com (send email)



blog : http://sitazone.multiply.com


add your comment to my artichels....

Rabu, 26 Desember 2007


Review Movie “Cintapuccino”

Category : Movie

Genre : Romantic

Have you ever watch “Cintapuccino”? What do you think in your mind when hear “Cintapuccino”? I think you confuse because what is the “Cintapuccino”, it is love and coffee, isn’t? Well, I want tell you that a great and an interesting movie. This movie is adapted from the best selling novel by Icha Rachmanti. The stars in this movie are Sissy Precillia (as Rahmi), Aditya Herpavi (as Raka), Nadia Saphira, and up coming artist Miler (as Nimo) come from Malaysia and directed by Rudi Soedjarwo.

It tells about love and obsession, and learning to make a big and an important decision. When in Senior High School Rahmi has a secret admire. He is Nimo, different one grade above her. She is obsessed to Nimo until she graduated from senior high school even she graduated from university.

One day she met Raka who now will be her husband. Moreover, until she meet again Nimo at food court. The movie has duration about ± 110 minutes. What are a big and an important decision? Find the answer with watch this movie. Are you interested in it? You must watch it.