Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

My Achievement

Essay Competition about Environment in SMAN 24

First, I get information about essay competition in environment.net when report assignment. All of students are given the paper about that competition. Then I try to write the essay. With three or four days I finish, write the essay. But I no upload to the website yet. Until my teacher Mrs. Dedeh, give announcement about this competition to my class. Maybe, in my class is not join the competition. Then I upload the essay.

To be honest, I feel only me join the competition. I very confident when I upload, but I am not confident when I see people who join the competition. Most of them have good skill of English.

On Sunday, January 21st 2007, I online internet. I open environment.net. In top bar is any new information. Then I click the link. I am very surprised when I read

The Winner of essay competition:

The second grade :

  1. Tiffany Caesareza (XIA-4)
  2. Consistania (XIA-2)
  3. Farida Rendrayani (XIA-4)

From the competition, I get the prize flash disk 1 gigabyte. I am very happy, because I am not hope to get the winners.

Prevent Air Pollution

Hortatory Exposition

Prevent Air Pollution

Air pollution is a big problem in big cities in Indonesia like Bandung. It caused by many reason. One of them is gas of smoke. It is difficult to solve the air pollution. And what can we do?

Firstly, many people smoke in everywhere. It can disturb other people because the gas. The gas can disturb the respiration system. So, I persuade to many people “please don’t smoke” if you will still healthy.

Secondly, one impact of air pollution is decrease the oxygen. We must reforestation because it can increase count of plant. If there are more and more plant it will string more and more carbon monoxide and increase more and more oxygen.

Finally, for prevent air pollution the government must make smoking areas for smoker. Example in office or in public place must made smoking areas. It can decrease air pollution in big cities. Beside that, we must reforestation. It can increase the oxygen.

I hope Bandung can decrease the air pollution.

Get Married

Review Movie “Get Married”

Category : Movie

Genre : Comedy

Can you imagine that in one movie there are Nirina, Ringgo, Desta and Aming? I can imagine that movie is crazy. “Get Married” is new movie from Star Vision. That is an interesting and a crazy movie. Have you ever watch it? The stars in this movie are Nirina Zubir (as Mae), Richard Kevin (as Rendy), Ringgo Agus Rahman (as Benny), Desta ‘Clubeighties’ (as Guntoro), Aming (as Eman). This movie is directed by Hanung Bramantyo.

It tells about friendship, love, and difference social status. One day Mae’s parents want Mae get married but Mae want still play with her friends (Guntoro, Beny, and ). Then Mae’s parents find a man who wants married with Mae. One by one, men come to Mae’s home. If Mae does not like every people who come to her home, her friends ready to beat, so that they do not come back to Mae’s home.

“Get Married” has duration about ± 120 minutes. It can’t make us bored because most of scene has funny conversation and it can make us laugh along the movie.

How ending of Mae’s fortune? Will she get married? With whom Mae gets married? Find the answer with watch this movie. Are you interested in it? You must watch it.

Ketika Shofie Bertanya

Review Book “Ketika Shofie Bertanya”

Category : Book

Genre : Islamic book

Author : K. H. Aam Amirudin

“Ketika Shofie Bertanya” is an Islamic book but some people say this book a novel. Of course, this book ‘ditujukan’ for young people. It is written by K. H. Aam Amirudin who has Yayasan Percikan Iman. Have you ever read it? It tells about father has a daughter who growing up to mature. It only uses conversation father and his daughter. The story tells all about Islam, example tauhid, akhlak, parents, and young problem. It can add our knowledge of Islam. Are you interested in it? You must read it.

Curriculum Viteae

Sita’s fact

FuLL NaMe : CoNsiStaNia DeMaWaTi

NicK NaMe : SiTa, CoNsi$, c0Nia, c0ni

TTL : Band03nX, 30 Juni 1991

Sch0oL : TK SGPLB, SDN Cibiru IX move to SDN Andir Kidul II after graduated, continued to SMPN 2 Bandung “anu hejoo”, n0W I agRouNd at SMAN 24 and Insya Allah I hope I can pass the national examination with good score & I want to continue my study Insya Allah to informatics engineering (IT)/Technique Chemistry/Mining Engineering ITB and get a title with the youngest age (Amien...)

Height/weight : 165 cm/47 kg (the last)

HoBby : Internet, chatting, read novel, sports, make email, sing a song (only in the bathroom), listen music, “ngeceng”, watching TV and film/movie, find new friends,

SKuL mAsa d3paN : Teknik Kimia ITB, Teknik Informatika ITB, Teknik Industri ITB, Teknik Mesin ITB, Kedokteran UNPAD, Pertanian UNPAD, Farmasi ITB, Farmasi UNPAD, Sastra Jepang UI, MIPA ITB, MIPA UNPAD, Kedokteran Gigi UNPAD, Sastra Jepang UNPAD, Teknik Pangan IPB, Kimia UPI, Broadcast UNPAD,

IdeALs : ahli teknik, Insinyur pertanian, ahli kimia, astronom, pengacara, ahli IT/programmer, camera person, dokter, pengusaha, menaikkan haji ortu

fAv0r1te coL0r : Merah

faVoRiTe f00ds : fried chicken, ‘saYur aSem’, m1 goRen9

iDoLs : Megawati Soekarnoputri, Nabi Muhammad SAW

fAvoRiTe b00ks : DuniA meReka, cinTapuciNo,

fAvoRite M0vieS : ArmaGeDdon, deep impact, tWisTer, ruSh h0ur, aiR buD, mVp, sTarShip tRopeRs, bRaveHeart, h0Me aLoNe, hArRy p0TteR, gRind, US Marshal, j0mblo, b1arkan biNtaNg mEnaRi, peTualangan sHer1na, ALeXandRia, eiFfel I’m in l0ve, aPa aRtiNya cinTa,heArt, rEaLitA cInTa dAn r0cK ‘N roll, c0kLat sTrobeRi, etc. most of the genre are drama romantis, k0medi, and acti0n

fAv0r1te MuSiC : R & B, p0p aLteRnaTive, p0p soul, p0p r0cK

Motto : Do the best and be your self”

“Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin”

“Carilah hidup yang bermakna karena hidup ini hanya satu kali”

EmAiL : sita_rossi@yahoo.com (friendster & YM)

simply_sita@yahoo.com (send email)

sitazone13@gmail.com (send email)



blog : http://sitazone.multiply.com


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