Rabu, 26 Desember 2007


Review Movie “Cintapuccino”

Category : Movie

Genre : Romantic

Have you ever watch “Cintapuccino”? What do you think in your mind when hear “Cintapuccino”? I think you confuse because what is the “Cintapuccino”, it is love and coffee, isn’t? Well, I want tell you that a great and an interesting movie. This movie is adapted from the best selling novel by Icha Rachmanti. The stars in this movie are Sissy Precillia (as Rahmi), Aditya Herpavi (as Raka), Nadia Saphira, and up coming artist Miler (as Nimo) come from Malaysia and directed by Rudi Soedjarwo.

It tells about love and obsession, and learning to make a big and an important decision. When in Senior High School Rahmi has a secret admire. He is Nimo, different one grade above her. She is obsessed to Nimo until she graduated from senior high school even she graduated from university.

One day she met Raka who now will be her husband. Moreover, until she meet again Nimo at food court. The movie has duration about ± 110 minutes. What are a big and an important decision? Find the answer with watch this movie. Are you interested in it? You must watch it.

Teknik Arsitektur


Arsitek berasal dari bahasa Yunani arkhe yang berarti asli dan tektoon yang berarti berdiri stabil dan kokoh. Apabila dua kata tersebut digabung menjadi arkhitekton mempunyai arti yang lain, yaitu pembangunan utama tukang ahli bangun. Jadi arsitektur adalah seni atau ilmu bangunan yang di dalamnya termasuk perencanaan, konstruksi, dan penyelesaian dekoratif.

Ada enam hal yang dipelajari dalam arsitektur, yaitu manusia, wadah aktivitas, teknik presentasi, ketrampilan, dan pengetahuan factual. Manfaat utama dari arsitektur adalah penyedia fasilitas. Keberhasilan seorang arsitek dilihat dari apakah arsitek tersebut dapatr memenuhi kebutuhan dari pengguna karya arsitek tersebut dan bisa memberikan dampak yang baik juga untuk lingkungan sekitarnya dan tidak dinilai dari bentuk bangunan yang didesain oleh arsitek, tetapi lebih ke dampak yang terjadi karena bangunan itu.

Prospek ke depan dari arsitektur sangat luas. Seorang arsitek dapat berkerja menjadi drafter atau draftsman, konsultan, dan perancang interior.

Kemampuan penunjang yang harus dimiliki adalah kreatif, peduli terhadap lingkungan, kemampuan berkomunikasi, ketelitian dan kecerdasa, suka menggambar, dan kemampuan membagi waktu.

Salah satu universitas yang terdapat jurusan teknik arsitektur adalah Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Situs-situs berkaitan jurusan Arsitektur :





MIPA merupakan ilmu dasar atau basic science, yang meliputi matematika dan ilmu kealaman (sains). MIPA inilah yang menjadi dasar pengembangan ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Program studi yang termasuk ke dalam MIPA, yaitu : Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, Statistika, Farmasi, Ilmu Komputer, Astronomi, Geofisika, Meteorologi, Oseanografi (Kelautan), dan Geografi.

Kemampuan penunjang yang kudu dimiliki oleh calon mahasiswa adalah kemampuan logika, rasa ingin tahu yang besar, mampu berbahasa inggris, dan suka berdiskusi.

Beberapa universitas yang terdapat jurusan MIPA :

Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)

Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS)

Situs-situs tentang jurusan MIPA :





Let’s Save ‘the green place’!

Analytical Exposition

Let’s Save ‘the green place’!

I think flood in Jakarta is impact of human behaviour. Some ‘green place’ in Bopuncur (Bogor-Puncak-Canjur) have been cut. So there is no water absorption. What can we can do to solve this problem?

Firstly, we must reboisation. Why? Because it can increase of absorption areas. So that, water can soaked well.

Secondly, we must to do widen brook (DAS). Water will be faster to overflow if the areas are little.

Thirdly, we must decrease sediment. Some of matter like soil and mud will be settle and can distrub the brook.

In conclusion flood which cause by rain is impact of human behavior. So, we must save our environment, particularly the ‘green place’. Let’s save ‘the green place’!!!


gue mau bagi-bagi informasi tentang beberapa jurusan teknik dan jurusan lainnya. dimulai dengan jurusan farmasi....


Farmasi berasal dari kata “PHARMACON” yang berarti obat atau racun. Sedangkan pengertian farmasi adalah suatu profesi di bidang kesehatan yang meliputi kegiatan-kegiatan di bidang penemuan, pengembangan, produksi, pengolahan, peracikan, dan distribusi obat.

Tanggung jawab seorang ahli farmasi adalah bertanggung jawab atas kesehatan dan keselamatan manusia/pasien yang membutuhkannya.

Dalam ilmu farmasi ada empat bidang yang dipelajari, yaitu farmasi klinik, farmasi industri, farmasi sains, dan farmasi obat tradisional.

Kemampuan penunjang yang harus dimiliki adalah senang dan familiar dengan fisika, kimia, biologi, dan matematika; ketelitian dan kecermatan; hapalan dan kemampuan analisa; dan suka bekerjadi laboraturium.

Beberapa universitas yang terdapat jurusan farmasi :

Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)

Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS)

Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Beberapa website tentang Farmasi :




Senin, 17 Desember 2007

Hortatory Exposition

Prevent Air Pollution

Air pollution is a big problem in big cities in Indonesia like Bandung. It caused by many reason. One of them is gas of smoke. It is difficult to solve the air pollution. And what can we do?

Firstly, many people smoke in everywhere. It can disturb other people because the gas. The gas can disturb the respiration system. So, I persuade to many people “please don’t smoke” if you will still healthy.

Secondly, one impact of air pollution is decrease the oxygen. We must reforestation because it can increase count of plant. If there are more and more plant it will string more and more carbon monoxide and increase more and more oxygen.

Finally, for prevent air pollution the government must make smoking areas for smoker. Example in office or in public place must made smoking areas. It can decrease air pollution in big cities. Beside that, we must reforestation. It can increase the oxygen.

I hope Bandung can decrease the air pollution.

The Importance to Save Our Environment

Hortatory Expostion

The Importance to Save Our Environment

Destroyed environment is a big problem in Indonesia particularly in Bandung. Some places in North Bandung (KBU or Kawasan Bandung Utara) is destroy by human. Trees have been cut for construction. Why is that problem more serious? Because environment is more destroyed. And what can we do? Possibly, it’s so difficult to answer the question. But, I have a simple answer, that is we must save our environment. How I can answer that?

Firstly, environment is very tight with human life. It means environment give something for us to do activity. For example, increase stock of oxygen when we do sport in the morning. Plant can help us to breath better.

Secondly, environment also can prevent disaster. One of them is trees can soak water, so it can prevent flood. Flood which caused by rain (“Cileuncang”) is the impact of no trees in Dayeuh Kolot, South Bandung.

Thirdly, environment is a part of ecosystem. If environment is disturbed, ecosystem is also disturbed. On the other hand, if environment is protected or can be saved, it can cause ecosystem stability.

Finally, for preventing of environmental damage, we must save that. It is very important. Example, throw away the rubbish in trash bin, every house obliged to plant trees. Beside that, we must separate kind of rubbish between organic and unorganic. Organic rubbish can be a fertilizer. Unorganic rubbish can be recycled to be new product. Slide in TPA Leuwi Gajah also the cause not to separate kind of rubbish. It takes many sacrifices. Therefore, in Bandung found many piles of rubbish.

I hope every body in Bandung can save our environment. Bandung also will be the cleanest city in Indonesia. Let’s save our environment!!!


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